Resolved screenshot input not working in sex minigame.Sandbox editor: Resolved sandbox scene modified time getting updated by version upgrade.Sandbox editor: Resolved some text boxes not getting cleared when clicking the reset button.Sandbox editor: Resolved resetting Mesh Path setting on User Mesh prop not clearing the mesh.Sandbox editor: Resolved custom material slots getting cleared on User Mesh prop when clicking out of Mesh Path setting even if the path did not change.Sandbox editor: Resolved changing Color setting on User Mesh prop resetting all custom material slots.Sandbox editor: Resolved a case where import would not work correctly when importing a scene with the same name as an already existing scene.Sandbox editor: Improved collision on some rock props.Sandbox editor: Resolved broken UI for shower prop Collision setting.Sandbox editor: Resolved shower prop still playing sound when invisible.

Sandbox editor: Resolved camera getting stuck in orbital mode after possession control.Sandbox editor: Prop collections can now be exported as well.Sandbox editor: Resolved custom materials not being saved for prop collections.Sandbox editor: Added a couple Halloween decoration props.Sandbox editor: Added search to scene select.Sandbox editor: Added OneMinus and Negate operations to operation prop.Sandbox editor: Added parameter passthrough event dispatchers for condition prop.Sandbox editor: Added Start/End Travel Time Multipliers for transformer prop.Sandbox editor: Added import button to sandbox scene select and sandbox editor.Added outfit Pirate for several Sethro based characters.Added 17 new sandbox sex animations, see the full list here.