From the FN SCAR, to the FN 15 series, to the PS90, FN rifles are born from the DNA of legends. To this day, after over one hundred-twenty years, the Mauser rifle is still one of the world’s most popular bolt action. I know that GMA and maybe one or two others in the States do them now. This is how to fix it when you screw up and pull the Bolt without engaging the Safety First. From a distance it could easily been mistaken for a Winchester 70 SG. This rifle was built around the world famous F. all numbered metal parts are numbered 518,stock is in good servicable condition. Here's an FN Commercial Mauser "Deluxe Rifle" that was manufactured in the early 1950's. Gun is in good condition, and comes with a … Looking for a good replacement trigger for a commercial FN Mauser (JC Higgins). , 24'' barrel, Belgian blue finish, factory checkered and lightly carved pistol-grip cheekpiece walnut stock, with original FN horn buttplate. Belgian FN Mauser would have Belgian proof marks and large FN monogram on front ring/bridge of the action. market,these rifles are indentical to the Browning Safari grade. The front sight has been removerd and a muzzle break has been fitted, no blue where sight was removed. TIMNEY TRIGGER FEATHERWEIGHT MAUSER 98 FN NO SAFETY. New Timney 201 Fm-98-fn Fits Mauser 98 1. The Mauser Featherweight Deluxe trigger features a trigger blocking side safety, making it suitable for most bolt-action rifles with Mauser actions as well as Husqvarna and Mark X actions. 06 with a 24" barrel and a checkered pistol grip stock. Assembled on a lightweight alloy housing, the pull weight adjusts between 1. Golden State made up sporters on almost anything they could beg,borrow or steal. This rifle is in excellent all origianl condiition. I would have the factory trigger tuned but I'm guessing there are better triggers out there. The FN Mauser Sporter Deluxe & Deluxe Scroll-Engraved, The Deluxe Mauser Presentation, The FN Supreme Magnum, and The FN Sniper Rifle Model 30.

NO RESERVE!! Here's a high quality commercial Mauser rifle that was manufactured by Fabrique Nationale (FN) for Sears & Roebuck in the 1950's.

Higgins, Sears and Roebuck Co, Montgomery Wards, and Husqvarna. The "Model of 1898" was the rifle that was the result of upgrading several earlier designs by Peter and Paul Mauser. Featherweight (FW) features the same adjustments and hand fitting as the Deluxe but no safety. It will not fit the Sako Browning High Power Finland Rifles often confused with the original FN Safari. Rifle is fitted with a Leupold Vari-X IIc 3-9x40 scope with Butler Creek flip-open lens caps and Redfield base and rings.